- This voucher is valid for any day during 2025, and can be redeemed at Bayete Estate.
- This voucher is non-refundable and cannot be exchanged for cash in part or full and is valid for a single transaction only.
- Strictly no extension of the expiry date from the date of issue will be allowed.
- The management retains the right to reject any voucher that has been tampered with or found in any way unacceptable.
- We are not responsible if a Gift Voucher is lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed and no replacement will be provided in these circumstances.
- This voucher cannot be redeemed in order to purchase gift cards.
- Please note that booking dates and availabilityneeds to be confirmed when utilising the voucher.
Valentines Couple Day Spa Voucher
R2 400,00 Regular Price
R2 000,00Sale Price